If you suffer from bad breath you are not alone. Most people get bad breath sometime. Bad breath is caused by bacteria in the mouth, between teeth, and in the grooves of the tounge. These live bacteria release waste products that cause foul smelling odor known as Volitle Sulfer Compounds or VSCs. VSCs are what create the "bad breath" smell. Bad breath can also be made worse bythings such as heart burn, dibetes, antibiotics, acid reflux, and even low carb diets.
Breath Rx is a scientific system designed to help treat both the cause and the symptoms of bad breath. Breath Rx is 100% alcohol free and 100% sugar free! Zytex TM knocks out bad breath with essential oils and zinc. Typical products only mask the problem. Breath Rx attacks the source, killing bacteria with its simple 3 step system. Brush - Scrape - Rinse. You are only three steps away from a healthy, clean, odor free mouth!